"I am Home."
I am home. And so are you, according to Indigenous wisdom.
On my return flight - direct from Barcelona to Montreal - I watched four short films by Indigenous filmmakers*. One included a scene where a grandmother and a girl of about 6 years are doing chores. The girl seemed content but I sensed underlying pain. In the midst of wringing out the clothes, the girl suddenly blurts, “I want to go home.” The grandmother says calmly, “I am home” a couple of times.
The girl then says, “I am home” with a small smile.
Home is inside of us. I felt this anchor return to the core of my being after I left the cultic group I was in. It was a visceral sensation of feeling my SELF back in the center of my own life. Ten years ago, I wrote this in my journal: I didn’t know how far I had strayed from my center, from my home.
Returning home is a process that comes in waves, fits and starts and sometimes we leave completely before we can hear the homing device in the core of our being ... calling.
There is so much that I want to share with you about the last 10 days of Barcelona. ICSA. Colleagueship. It was amazing. Calm. Thrilling. Grounding. Collaborative. Beautiful. And so much more. Today, I will give you glimpses:
I am home when I entered the conference space and Dr. Caroline Ansley walks by and I immediately recognize her. Sweet embrace.
I am home, when I hugged Cathrine Moestue for the first time after years of so many beautiful words and experiences shared over zoom.
I am home when I walked the streets of Barcelona, taking in its vibrancy, chatting and debriefing with Esther on our 40 minute walk each day, each way.
I am home when I listened to the wisdom of others, presentation after presentation, drinking in the gift of new knowledge, new perspectives and new relationships.
I am home when I took a breath and stepped up to introduce myself to people who I’ve respected from afar and am excited to meet in person. Dr. Christine Cocchiola. Felicia. Anke Richter. And more.
I am home when I stood at the front of the room, speaking from my own authority and collaborating with beloved colleagues on content that lights my heart on fire.
I am home when I listen to Ciara’s Story: Is it a sin to talk about it? She and I met through social media three and a half or more years ago. From our first contact, I knew Ciara is special because she asks her husband to tell her science stories at night as part of her healing. We got to meet live and in person two years ago, at a conference about Death and Belief. Best of all: I have the privilege of taking in and reflecting on her gorgeous writing - most recently through the Connections Program! The podcast was two years in the making. Vanessa, the skilled and creative producer has crafted an auditory jewel. Listen and you will see why I love Ciara so. She speaks far beyond the 'sin' that once held her captive. You can listen here.
And there’s one more thing I want to share before signing off tonight:
I am home when I posted my first Op Ed asking the question: What do Island Pond, VT and Waco, TX have in common? I invite you to read it on Linked In and comment. I really want to get this conversation going and truly want to hear your thoughts and questions.
I am home, back in my home, at my desk, returning to my daily work life, after an extraordinary ten days. Tomorrow, my goal is to make a social media reel with some photos! Wish me luck - and feel free to let me know what you most want to know about my trip.
Warmest regards,
*I NEED you to know how much I regret that I didn’t write down the title of this film! I really tried to find it to give proper credit. I was dismayed to not be able to locate it but also awed to see the plethora of short films Canada has produced centered on and created by indigenous people! PLEASE speak up if you know the film or have ideas of how I can find it. I want to give credit where credit is due.