63 and free

It’s my birthday, another few inches of snow fell overnight and I took the afternoon off to play in the snow with my daughter and grandson. 😃

AND ... this may be tmi, but just this week, I received a call from the doc that the inflamed spot on my forearm is not cancer. The medication I’m using to treat stubborn plantar warts is working - two are gone and the two big nasty ones are half the size. And best of all: my vision has actually improved. Like - how often does that happen post 60?!? 

Life is good and… ahem… I know why… and… (note the mysterious tone in my voice) I know how to help you find happiness too… Just come a little closer and I’ll tell you the secret to reverse aging and living your best life post … 😉 Whoops. My tongue got stuck in my cheek!

A couple of weeks ago, I was sorting through old papers, gleefully making a large pile to burn in the wood-stove when I unfolded a colorful chart I hadn’t seen for decades. The top right corner reads: 

At 63 MAN’S allotted destiny runs out: “HE IS FREE” 

I guffawed, then marveled at the word salad. I’ve been musing over the proclamation about my ‘allotted destiny’ as well as my approaching freedom in the days leading up to today, my 63rd birthday. This morning, I peeked at the document and saw another idiom: 

After 63 MAN is a “CHILD OF THE GODS”. 

If I’m reading this right, my destiny dries up today and tomorrow I become a child of the gods. Or… maybe this is only available to people who have a penis. IDK 🤷🏻‍♀️

If you know much about my past, you might successfully identify the period of my life this special chart came from. Or, if you are savvy with spiritual doctrines that arose during the turn of the 20th century you might be able to figure it out. 💫 A few key phrases from the document might help: life forces, man assumes his own destiny, morphological thinking, love as a cognitive force. Can you guess? 

🌟If you know, I will send “An Aid to the Study of One’s Own Biography” to the first person to answer correctly! 🌟 To qualify, you have to promise not to look at the answer below! No cheating!

Sarcasm and sassiness aside, I have often said that no matter how destructive a cultic system is, there’s always some truth or something of value within it. Perhaps at 63, I’m entering the best and freest life stage yet?!?  I’ll happily take it. 

What’s your best year? 

What’s your favorite phrase from a philosophy you no longer prescribe to? Hit reply and leave a comment below!



Answer to the quiz: For 18 years - from age 24 to 42, I was a teacher at a Waldorf school, immersed in the study of Anthroposophy. It was such a formative time of my life and to be honest, I still carry many gems from that time.

Gerette Buglion

Gerette Buglion wants to live in a world where cult leaders, narcissistic abusers, and unethical, manipulative marketing techniques are spotted, called out, and silenced, creating more opportunities for nourishing relationships to flourish. Her work as educator and consultant centers on liberation from coercive control and supporting the integrative power of writing for survivors of cultic relationships through Writing to Reckon™ programs. Her passion for understanding influence and human behavior is at the core of her favorite conversations. She is a Co-founder and Executive Director for the nonprofit Living Cult Free and author of An Everyday Cult, her memoir and Writing to Reckon Journal - for Survivors of Spiritual, Religious and Cultic Abuse. Gerette’s Writing to Reckon™programs have been helping writers find their voice since March, 2020.


In this place


At this time